She graduated from the University of London Institute of Education with an MA in Language and Education. She completed a course on Language and Gender at Oxford University as well as a PhD in Applied Linguistics at Aston University, UK.
Dr. Ersoy was awarded the title of Honorary Cultural Attaché for France in 1995 has since actively worked to establish educational, academic and cultural bridges between the Turkish Cypriots and other countries, in particular with France. Dr. Ersoy led CQuals that she founded in 2010 in many projects in collaboration with European institutions on a number of projects such as l’Institut Français de Chypre, British Council, the European Commission Cyprus Representation of Cyprus.
Dr.Ersoy was awarded the CHEVALIER DE L’ORDER DE PALME ACADEMIQUE by the French Republic in November 2018 by the Ambassador of France in Cyprus, Mr. René Troccaz, with a ceremony held at the Embassy Residence in Nicosia.